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2023 2022 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004Click on the years below to see pay-per-view contents
Diagnosis is the key
A. Bandera

POCUS in OR for neonates
and children
A. Camporesi

Raw traces
A. Caricato

Rules of engagement
A. Conway Morris

Role of microbiome in ICU-acquired
A. Conway Morris

How to mobilize patients in ICU
A. Lucchini

Diagnosis, incidence,
and consequences
A. Mueller

Gas exchange
A. Pesenti

Gas exchange during VV-ECMO
A. Zanella

How to treat it
C. Aldecoa

Decompressive craniectomies:
still an option?
C. Giussani

Going toward a sustainable
C. Oliveira

Effects of PEEP on the brain
C. Robba

Brain injury
C. Robba

C.A. Volta

Computerized Tomography
D. Chiumello

D. De Luca

Lung support and ECCO2R: why and when
D. Hofmaenner

How to read and learn from raw EEG traces
D. Martino

How to evaluate energy
F. Collino

Please explain mechanical power
F. Collino

Pathophysiology of left
ventricular failure
F. Guarracino

Pathophysiology, diagnosis
and hemodynamic monitoring
F. Guarracino

Myocardial injury
F. Guarracino

Effect of CRRT and hemoadsorption
upon antimicrobial
pharmacokinetics in critically
ill children
G. Bottari

Sepsis-Associated AKI (SA-AKI): definition, management and role of extracorporeal sequential therapies
G. Castellano

ICP monitoring and treatment
G. Citerio

G. Citerio

Central nervous system physiology
G. Citerio

How to treat arrythmias
G. De Ferrari

New treatments in immune paralysis
G. De Pascale

Patient selection in VV-ECMO
G. Foti

How to manage difficult weaning
G. Foti

Standard ACLS algorithm
or individualized CPR?
G. Ristagno

Fluids and thoracic surgery:
friends or foes?
G.L. Rosboch

Steroids in pneumonia
I. Martin-Loeches

Selective digestive decontamination
J. De Waele

Driving pressure:
meaning and limitations
J.J. Marini

Cardiocirculatory physiology
J.L. Teboul

Guidelines and protocols
K. Donadello

Vasoplegia in the septic patient
K. Donadello

Dual Energy Computed Tomoghaphy
L. Ball

The obese patient
L. Berra

PEEP and lung mechanics
L. Brochard

Which interventions
L. Camporota

What next for ECCO2R?
L. Gattinoni

Superimposed pressure:
opening pressure and sights
L. Gattinoni

Oxygen transport, delivery
and consumption
L. Gattinoni

PEEP and diaphragmatic function
L. Heunks

Bedside respiratory
L. Heunks

PEEP and kindey function
L.G. Forni

Mechanisms of
in ventilated patients
M. Antonelli

NIV in hypoxemic ARF:
how and when
M. Antonelli

Heart-lung interaction
M. Busana

Early or late vasopressors?
M. Cecconi

How to manage dyspnea
M. Giani

How to spare catecholamines
M. Leone

M. Piastra

Fluid balance
M. Van der Jagt

Blood pression management and organ protection
M.G. Mondino

Mechanical ventilation in anesthesia
M.J. Schultz

Respiratory failure
M.J. Schultz

New approaches to
airway management
N. Disma

Stewart approach for
everybody:how I do it
N. Van Regenmortel

The ADVOS multi-therapeutic system
O. Boenisch

Weaning criteria
O. Roca

O. Roca

Urinary electrolytes:
clinical importance
P. Caironi

How to prevent it
P. Pandin

All the others: burst suppression,
spectral edge frequencies,
electromyography, artifacts,
P. Pandin

Opportunity from new antibiotics
P. Viale

Microbiological diagnosis
and therapy
R. Ferrer Roca

Endotoxic (septic) shock and Polymxyin B hemoadsorption: where we are and when to consider it
R. Ferrer Roca

How to diagnose and
manage delirium
R. Sonneville

How to insert an
esophageal balloon
S. Coppola

Monitoring during NIV
S. Coppola

Do we need practice guidelines?
S. De Hert

Kidney injury
S. De Rosa

Basic renal physiology
S. De Rosa

Cardiovascular implications
S. Gattarello

Morbid obesity
S. Jaber

Brain dysfunction
S. Piva

NHF in sedation: safety and efficacy
S. Romagnoli

Is it pEEG monitoring mandatory in OR and ICU?
S. Romagnoli

Density spectral array
S. Romagnoli

Respiratory physiology
S.M. Maggiore

T. Conlon

Electrical Impedance Tomography
T. Mauri

How to become an
AI researcher?
V. Bellini

Personalized perioperative medicine
V. Bellini

Airway management in obese
V. Russotto

Severe asthma
V.M. Ranieri

Personalized drug therapy
V.M. Ranieri

Acute kidney injury
in children
Z. Ricci

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