
Mongodi S.

Consultant Intensivist at Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico S. Matteo – Pavia, Italy PhD in Microsurgery and experimental surgery. Founder member of The GRIP – Group for Research in Intensive care in Pavia Recent publications: Mongodi S, Bouhemad B, Orlando A, Stella A, Tavazzi G, Via G, Iotti GA, Braschi A, Mojoli F. Modified Lung Ultrasound Score for Assessing and Monitoring Pulmonary Aeration. Ultraschall Med. 2017 Mar 14. doi: 10.1055/s-­‐0042-­‐120260. [Epub ahead of print] S. Mongodi, A. Orlando, G. Tavazzi, M. Pozzi, G. Maggio, A. Braschi, GA. Iotti, F. Mojoli. Veno-­‐venous ECMO for ARDS in a patient with acute right heart failure. Journal of Cardiothor Vasc Anesthesia 2017, 2016 Dec 7. pii: S1053-­‐ 0770(16)30659-­‐0. doi: 10.1053/j.jvca.2016.12.007. S. Mongodi, M. Luperto, Orlando A, Venti A, Braschi A, Iotti GA, Mojoli F. A 67-­‐year-­‐old man with severe post-­‐traumatic ARDS in ECMO presents sudden desaturation. CHEST 2016, 150(6):e155-­‐e157. Le Neindre A, Mongodi S, Philippart F, Bouhemad B. Thoracic ultrasound: potential new tool for physiotherapists in respiratory management—a narrative review. Ann. Intensive Care 2016, 6(Suppl 1):550:S234 S. Mongodi, B. Bouhemad, G.A. Iotti, F. Mojoli, An ultrasonographic sign of intra-­‐pulmonary shunt. Intensive Care Medicine 2016, 42(5):912-­‐3 S. Mongodi, G. Via, M. Girard, I. Rouquette, B. Misset, A. Braschi, F. Mojoli, B. Bouhemad, Lung ultrasound for early diagnosis of ventilator-­‐associated pneumonia. CHEST 2016, 149(4);969-­‐80